About the Books


How Am I Supposed To Say Goodbye
For some people, the grief can become so severe that illness and even death may occur within months of the loss. This is a result of the broken heart syndrome.

As I’m writing this book, I can’t think of anything more devastating than losing a child. We shouldn’t have to bury our children, but that is not the reality. God has other plans. Death is especially a difficult topic for adults to explain to their children. It is a natural thing to want to protect our children from death. However, those attempts often can add to a child’s confusion. When we are born, God gives us a body to use for a lifetime. Our bodies let us walk and play and do God’s work. When we die and go to heaven to live with God, we don’t need our bodies anymore.

Famiglia is about the good and bad of growing up in an Italian family. Weddings, food, and my mother going after me when I was doing something wrong with a wooden spoon. Growing up I had two great parents.